How to be grateful

One of my favourite ideas from Buddhism is that of karma. We think of it as justice – everyone gets what they deserve – but real karma isn’t that instant. I believe it’s more about shaping your next life. However the idea that if you are loving, love will comeback to you seems to be working for me lately.

How to be successful

One problem I have had through out my entire time online is just how much there is to do and manage. If you’re a normal person (i.e. not an artist) I can imagine that it doesn’t matter if you are only on one social media and concentrate on that, but as an artist I feel I have to be in as many places as possible and be active on all of them to draw attention to my work.

The Difference between WordPress and Patreon Blogs

It’s been a neglectful couple of weeks. I’ve been getting used to my new job, which is in itself super busy, and that meant holding off on posting regularly here and on some of my social media. I made sure I’ve stayed up to date with the chapters of my novel and Twitter is easy to work in, but some others have suffered. Now I’m wondering how to use them now I get back into it.

Hold My Hand, Take Me Out

In the mornings, I’ve been waking up pretty anxious. I haven’t tried waking up in the afternoon, unfortunately. I don’t even know why I feel that way but I suspect tiredness. For some reason I chose a busy week of exams and sports events to try and launch my blog, so I’ve been constantly thinking…