How to Anniversary

Happy birthday to Blog! Happy birthday to Blog. Read on for a boring account of my first year blogging here.

How to Create a Giraffe

The following is a sketch script I wrote for a challenge on Please check out my account there and support me. With enough attention and likes my work might be featured in short films and other final, already-funded productions.

Fools’ Blood Released!

Today is the day. Chapter one of my debut novel, Fools’ Blood is now available on Wattpad. Please have a look and tell me what you think! I’ll be posting a new chapter every week on what is Saturday for me, but probably Friday night for most of you. If you enjoy it, please come back and follow the continuing adventure of a vampire searching for his purpose. The full synopsis is at the end of this post.

Writing Wednesday: The Path to Plot

To be honest, there isn’t an easy answer to this question as I’ve been doing something different each time I write a story. So, I’ll breakdown each approach and we can look at the pros and cons of each. That’s a good idea, else I’ll just waffle off on tangents like a fat drunk penguin.

Hallelujah Monkeys

Friday morning, the day of a certain ape’s inauguration, another group of monkeys gave me a boost.

Nostalgic Vampires

I’m soon going to start publishing my novel on Wattpad as a final Beta phase. I will use feedback from that to help shape the final edit.

Sharing Sarturday:Chocofing R

… swirls dynamic energy around a pretty face, seemingly capturing the moment when their enemy, amidst the chaos of battle, falls madly in love.


The other purpose of this site is for me to hone my writing by focussing on my daily life and describing it in compelling narrative, to further my own skills.

Sharing Saturday: Arty Christmas

This week’s Sharing Saturday falls on Christmas Eve, so I’ve gathered some of the most appealing Christmas art that I’ve stumbled across this year.

The Crawling Interview

What did you want to achieve with this comic? – To show the beauty of friendship in a happy sunny world… a little fanservice, and of course more cereal!